Re: Current week & previous week
Hi @B Young, It's completely fine, we are happy to help you According to your new condition, you can try this formula =IF(AND(TODAY() >= [start date]@row, TODAY() <= [finish date]@row), "C…1 · -
Re: Nominate Peak Humans & get a badge!
This is a fantastic opportunity to recognize outstanding contributions! 🌟 I want to nominate @Amit Wadhwani for his incredible ideas and suggestions that consistently keep me motivated. Additionall…3 · -
Re: Join the conversation on STEM education and help nurture the next generation of visionaries
In my life, I've been inspired by many women, but my school teacher, Sartia Tejwani, is simply remarkable. I still recall her teaching style in the Science subject, which made it easy to comprehend a…2 · -
Re: IF Formula
Hi malky neiman, Please use the following formula for the required conditions- =IF(AND([Profile Picture]@row = "Complete", References@row = "Complete", [I9]@row = "Complete&q…1 · -
Re: Can I pre-populate a form with data from a sheet?
Hi Max Weinstein, I have faced the same issue for one project so we tried this option, You can auto-populate the data into the forms by creating a form link by the following formula. After the form l…2 ·